Explore SPLITS
Real Estate Professionals AND Unlicensed Applicants are Source Service Providers (SSP) - nothing happens until they succeed at something. Once they do, however, Referral Partners and Co-Promoters provide products and services tat contribute to their success: Primary Service Providers (PSP) provide financial or legal products and services, Secondary Service Providers (2SP) provide further due diligence products and services, and Ancillary Service Providers (ASP) provide products and services that statistically often follow SSP transactions. In other words, Virtual Markets have the potential to turn uncommitted prospects into clientele, collectively, thus effectively reducing competition, locally.
There are three levels of SSP: Talispros™ (TP) initiate Virtual Markets and maintain them, subscription based. TP earn 5% of project values for referrals from within their Virtual Markets. Talisboss™ (TB) own Talishouse™ show homes. TB earn an additional 8% in product margins for unit sales they refer - their show homes are paid for in about 10 referrals, net. Talisworks™ (TW) maintain assembly crews to assemble objects and projects as local Affiliates. TW earn one additional percent of product margin per unit they pledge per quarter over three years (up to 12%); they are Talishouse™ Tiny Home Distributors, essentially.
Most SSP start as Talisros™, earning 5% on project referrals from within their Virtual Markets. Many will hire, or designate, someone NOT licensed to move their Virtual Markets outside the reach of industry regulators, which thus empowers unlicensed personnel to become revenue producing by populating Virtual Markets as in-house advertising platforms. Some Talispros™ will build show homes, which makes them Talisboss™ Associates and add 8% to their earnings potential per object or project. Some Talisboss™ hire assembly crews and commit to unit volume (up to twelve units over three years). As Talisworks™ Affiliates they add (up to) another 12% to their earnings potential and funtionally become Talishouse™ distributors with a total revenue (or discount) potential of (up to) 25%.